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Hear from other professionals

  • samy elbana
    • samy elbana
    • شئون موظفين, موبيلى, Kuwait
    • الحمد على فضله ونعمته ... لقد حصلت على عمل في موبيلى من خلال بيت كوم فى فترة اقل من شهر ونصف وانصح الاصدقاء بمشاركة الموقع والمتابعه فيه واسال الله ان يفك كرب من لم يجد عمل .. واحب ان اقول ما اجمل ا
  • Ahmed Afzal
    • Ahmed Afzal
    • Sales Operations Analyst, Bahrawi Trading, Saudi Arabia
    • This is the perfect opportunity and way to share our experience with This is a great place for freshers who wants to get good positions and ideal jobs. It's always important to say thank you to that source after getting a job like for me I got my 1st job through I am currently working in a Bahrawi Trading Co. as a Sales Consulta
  • Trecia Thapa
    • Trecia Thapa
    • Sales Executive, Marka Holding, UAE
    • After posting my CV on, I received an opportunity for an interview from Marka Holding Company and when I went there, I was interviewed by really polite and friendly recruiters. After my second interview they told me that i will be informed within a week if I will be selected. I got a call from Marka in that week and was informed that i was

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